The Budo Ryu Kai does accept donations from students and supporters all over the world. If you enjoy all of the FREE LESSONS and FREE TRAINING VIDEOS that we place online and you would like to show your support by donating to the Budo Ryu Kai, we would be very appreciative for any donation that you can help with. These donations help provide:
- To Show Support of the Budo Ryu Kai.
- A Thanks For The Daily Free Lessons.
- Funding Next Budo Ryu Kai Japan Trip.
- Funding Research & Historical Scrolls.
- Funding Upcoming Ninjutsu Projects.
- Help With Rising Cost Of Operations.
If you are on this page, than you know what we do. We post free daily ninjutsu lessons on our facebook page, as well as free ninjutsu video lessons on our YouTube channel. We want to continue to provide free lessons and ninjutsu information online, help the students who have experienced hardships, help cut costs with historical research as well as create a way to accept donations to help with the funding of the upcoming Budo Ryu Kai Japan Trip! To do this, we are asking for you help. Any donation that you provide is greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much for your love and support.