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(01) I expect the same excellence from all of my students. Although not all of the "dojo rules"; may apply to online training. All online students must understand and abide by the dojo rules. (See Budo Ryu Kai Rules & Guidelines).

(02) Online students must keep training status active. Online students have 12 months to complete the level they are on. If they do not complete the level they are on in 12 months, they will need to repurchase the level to maintain an active training status.

(03) If any online student goes 12 months without a review, or if they have to repurchase to maintain active status, they will need to re-due all previous reviews to current level before moving forward with their training.

(04) Online students must pass all official reviews before they can take their exam.

(05) Online students must bow before and after when shooting a response, reply, review or testing video.

(06) Some online students train in other marital arts, some are completely dedicated to the Budo Ryu Kai. Online students can cross-train in other martial arts if the wish. However, if they cross-train, they will not be eligible to participate in any of our private training, private groups or private online access.

(07) If any online student does not have a successful review within 90 days, that student will be temporarily removed from all private training, private groups or private online access until they have a successful review. "The Way" is in training.


Kansas City, KS 66106


(913) 449-5367​

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